Our Mission
To develop loving relationships with folks; to bring them in and introduce them to Christ; to build them up in Christ; to train them and to send them forth for purposeful ministry in our church family.
We believe:
The Bible: The Bible is God's Living Word to everyone. It is the absolute truth, without error, and is relevant to our lives.
The Trinity: God has existed for all eternity. He exists as one substance in three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They each have different functions. They each possess equal power and authority.

Salvation: The blood of Christ, shed on the cross is the only way of Salvation through the forgiveness of sins. Salvation happens when a person places their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ. It is a gift and cannot be earned through our efforts.
The Church: The church is a local community of baptized believers unified through Christ. We are committed to the teachings of Christ and are committed to bringing the Gospel to the world. We work together with the intent of glorifying Christ.

We Exist To Fulfill These Purposes.
Worship: To Celebrate God's Presence.
Fellowship: To Connect With Believers.
Discipleship: To Be More Like Jesus.
Ministry: To Serve Others In Jesus' Name.
Evangelism: To Share Our Faith With Others.