Pastor Dave and Rea love God and His people. They are college graduates Pastor Dave is a 1995 graduate of Clear Creek Bible College. He has a B.A. in Ministry with a minor in counseling.
Rea has a B.S N. in Nursing and a Master's degree F.N.P Nurse Practitioner.
They have been Married since 2009 and have a wonderful son Jaiden who loves people and loves the Kids Ministry at Fellowship Church.
Dave and Rea have strong family bonds that were instilled in them all their lives and they are instilling that same strong bond into the life of their son Jaiden.
They live on a small farm in North Richmond and love welcoming people in their home for family and Church gatherings on a regular basis.
Pastor Dave, Rea, and Jaiden love to travel and have been all around the World but Richmond is always their home.
Pastor Dave and Rea believe in the transformational power of Jesus in people's lives and both have experienced it for themselves. They are passionate about the ministry's at Fellowship Church and accept people just as they were accepted (just as they are)
The value they love the most is to Love God first and love people as themselves.
“Nothing matters more to God than people, so nothing matters more to us.” ~ The Duffey’s
FAMILIES PASTOR Aaron Duffey (ordained 2012) and wife Tracia were both born and raised in Richmond. After several years away they are thrilled to be back in their hometown, ministering at Fellowship Church since August 2022!
The Duffey’s value COMMUNITY that represents the Kingdom. Oneness does not mean sameness, but a unity of celebrating and serving with Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to the Father. Everyone, regardless of background, is welcome at Fellowship Church, since Christ died for all so that all who will could be family. Psalm 133:1
The Duffey’s value ALL GENERATIONS moving together towards God as one body… one family. Elders have many powerful ways to teach, minister and serve, but we must ask and sometimes accommodate differently. Young adults deserve a seat at the table not only tomorrow, but today. We, the Church, are called to partner with parents to disciple their children because there is no such things as “other people’s kids” in the Kingdom of God. Deuteronomy 6:4-9
The Duffey’s value the covenant of MARRIAGE between husband and wife. A healthy and holy marriage is the God-ordained example to the world of Christ’s love for the Church. Pastor Duffey privately counsels young men, fathers, and couples seeking to build such a marriage through biblical principles. Ephesians 5:25-33
The Duffey’s value DISCIPLESHIP and SPIRITUAL GROWTH. We are not designed to be alone but connected with God and each other. Getting to know God’s people personally and developing relationships is the cornerstone of sharing a life in Christ. Honesty and spiritual accountability in our relationships with God and people is essential for Christian growth, church growth, and spreading the Gospel. Hebrews 10:22-25
The Duffey’s value AUTHENTICITY, vulnerability, and transformation. We should not hold back from talking about difficult subjects and relating to people overlooked in our world. It’s okay to not be okay; it’s not okay to pretend you’re okay; it’s not okay to stay stuck! When leaders get real, it creates a safe place for people to be real. Tackling tangible, real-world concepts in creative and relatable ways is imperative to reaching people where they are. Ephesians 5:16